A decision is due on a development of 10 high-end homes on the edge of Westhoughton.

Forshaw Group applied for outline permission for a site off Dobb Brow Road this year.

The site off Dobb Brow Road, an area of grassland with a garage on it to be demolished, is designated as Other Protected Open Land. This is a level of protection higher than the protection afforded to most sites but lower than the protection afforded to other sites on Green Belt.

Its development into 10 high-end homes, all two-storey houses apart from one bungalow, is opposed by three residents who wrote to the council to express concern over its impact on traffic, in particular at a bottleneck on their road as well as at its junction with Wigan Road.

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And a comment from Westhoughton Town Council said: "Concerns were raised about whether these properties are in the Green Belt area and about the impact from additional residents on doctor provision and school provision, which are both under pressure in Westhoughton."

A report for consideration by the Planning Committee suggests these issues would not outweigh the benefits of the proposal, in particular its contribution of 10 homes to housing supply, which is not at its target of a five-year supply as it stands.

The Planning Committee is recommended to approve the proposal when it meets at the town hall next week.

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The report reads: "The National Planning Policy Framework supports making effective use of land and Paragraph 60 refers to the objective of boosting the supply of homes. The proposal would contribute 10 dwellings to the supply of homes."

The report adds: "Overall, the impacts identified would not outweigh the benefits when assessed against the policies in the National Planning Policy Framework and members are recommended to approve this application subject to conditions."

The application is for outline permission so the specifics are subject to another application in the coming months.

The Planning Committee meets at the town hall on November 14.

This article was written by Jack Tooth. To contact him, email jack.tooth@newsquest.co.uk or follow @JTRTooth on Twitter.