A powerful storm left its mark on Bolton this week where a man reported an uprooted tree crashing through his garden.

The storm blew across the UK on Monday, with a yellow warning put in place for much of the day.

The warnings proved to be well justified in Bolton, where William Susol found his Monday afternoon disturbed by a conifer tree from another house being blown into his garden on Blakely Close, off Beaumont Road in Ladybridge.

Mr Susol said: “I heard a loud bang and though ‘what’s that?’

“I looked through the patio windows and I saw a tree had fallen down.”

The Bolton News: A yellow weather warning had been issued around BoltonA yellow weather warning had been issued around Bolton (Image: Met Office)

He added he was glad the tree and not hit his house, and the damage so far is to the fence.

Mr Susol said he will find out if any other damage has been caused after the tree is removed.

The yellow warning was put in place by the Met Office for the Greater Manchester area from 4am to 6pm.

The wind was anticipated to gradually increase in Bolton throughout Monday morning, starting off at 28mph, and reaching as high as 52mph by 3pm that day.

Damage and downed trees were reported all over the country, with Bolton proving to be no exception.

Mr Susol said that as of Wednesday the tree was still lying uprooted in his garden.

He said: “They’ll probably chop it up into pieces and remove it piece by piece, that’s what they normally do.”

He added: “I was just relieved it hadn’t landed on the house!”

Met Office meteorologist Marco Petagna said Storm Debi should have cleared away from the UK to the east by the early hours of Tuesday, but “wet and windy weather” would linger later on in the week.

He said on Monday: “Tomorrow morning you will see heavy and potentially thundery showers moving eastwards across the south of England.

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“We could see 15-20mm, almost an inch, of rain across some southern counties of England combined with fairly gusty winds as well.

“A week’s worth of rain could fall in an hour or two in that warning area and you could see wind speeds of 40-50mph.

“If you are in that warning area, it is going to be quite tricky to travel.

“Allow extra time to travel and keep tuned to the forecast overnight.

“If you are out and about, take extra care and be prepared to see thundery showers.”