Two members of staff and one team at the Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service have landed an award.

At the ceremony, Adam Postlethwaite, protection training and development manager, was given an outstanding contribution award and Sarah Hardman, a protection development officer, was a joint winner in the field of home safety.

The group's protection team was given a team award for their work in relation to building and business safety.

Sue Abbott, who has supported GMFRS as a volunteer for more than five years, was nominated for the ‘Volunteering’ award.

Dave Russel, Chief Fire Officer at GMFRS, said: “I’m thrilled that Adam, Sarah, Sue and our Protection team have been recognised for their dedication and contributions to our service.

“I’m incredibly proud of all of our teams; their role in keeping the communities of Greater Manchester safe cannot be underestimated.”

Deputy Mayor for Police, Crime, Criminal Justice and Fire, Kate Green, said: “It’s excellent to see GMFRS staff rewarded on both an individual and team level for their hard work in relation to building and fire safety.

“These awards are national recognition of the fact that, thanks to this work, GMFRS is in the best possible place to respond to the city-region’s ever-changing risks.”