A drug dealer was caught after selling cocaine and cannabis from an electric scooter, a court has heard.

Myles Brown, then just 20, was caught as part of a plainclothes police operation in Bolton on July 28 2021.

He was finally brought to Bolton Crown Court to be sentenced more than two years on.

Prosecutor Isabelle Haddad said: “The defendant was seen to be riding an electric scooter to and from the area and conducted an exchange with another male that appeared to indicate drug dealing.”

The Bolton News: The case was heard at Bolton Crown CourtThe case was heard at Bolton Crown Court (Image: Newsquest)

Ms Haddad told the court that after at first trying to flee on his scooter Brown, now 22, was stopped and found with cannabis and a Nokia “burner” phone.

A further search of his bedroom found more cannabis, cocaine, snap bags, weighing scales and various amounts of cash.

The officers also found a tin with a card inside with various amounts of money noted down.

Ms Haddad said: “The crown say that this was a ledger of his profits at various times.”

Brown, of Harvest Park, Heaton, was also found to have been using his phone to supply “different strains of cannabis and cocaine.”

He eventually pleaded guilty to possession with intent to supply Class A and Class B drugs.

Eddy Steele, defending, argued that the 23-year-old had earned credit by pleading guilty and pointed out he had been in no further trouble since then.

He claimed that Brown had become involved in drug dealing through “naivety and immaturity” and had made only “limited financial gain".

Mr Steele added that Brown clearly came from a supportive background and that “this is somebody who is clearly being rehabilitated.”

Judge Nicholas Clarke KC accepted Brown’s guilty plea and his “lack of maturity” as well as his lack of previous convictions or cautions.

But he pointed out that his “street dealing” still amounted to a “significant role.”

Addressing the defendant, Judge Clarke said: “How you got involved in drug dealing to the extent that you did, I don’t really know.”

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He added: “You are in to your middle 20s, its time to grow up.”

He sentenced Brown to two years in prison, suspended for 18 months and ordered him to complete a 12-month mental health treatment programme with 20 rehabilitation activity requirement days.

Judge Clarke also sentenced Brown to a six-month curfew confining him to his home between 8pm and 8am.

He ordered that a Proceeds of Crime Act hearing will be held on March 7 next year.