A dangerous driver committed further crimes after taking part in a “race” that killed an innocent grandfather, a court heard.

Adam Ross, 30, had become involved in a race with the then 23-year-old Daniel Salvin on the roads of Bolton which ended in tragedy on September 20 2019 when 59-year-old grandfather John Richardson was struck and killed while crossing the road on Rishton Lane, Great Lever.

A moving statement from Mr Richardson’s son John Stephens, which had been heard before by the court sitting in 2019, was read out by prosecutor Harriet Tighe.

She said: “Nobody should ever have to see their father lying on the ground. 

“I held his hand whilst he was on the ground, and he effectively died at the scene."

The Bolton News: Daniel Salvin has already been sentencedDaniel Salvin has already been sentenced (Image: GMP)

Mr Richardson was taken to hospital and held on for about a week after the incident but tragically died after an operation on his chest.

Dressed in a grey tracksuit and black gilet, Ross showed little emotion looking on from the dock as the statement was read out by Ms Tighe, other than to look down at the floor at times.

Daniel Salvin, of Eustace Street in Great Lever, has previously been convicted and sentenced to seven years and four months in prison for causing Mr Richardson’s death by dangerous driving.

Salvin had been driving the Vauxhall Vetra that struck Mr Richardson as he crossed the road and had set his car alight and flet to Larne in Northern Ireland in a bid to escape justice.

Ross, of Daisy Street, Deane, had initially denied his part in the fatal race but was  convicted this year after a trial of causing death by dangerous driving.

In the years since the grandfather's death, Ross had become involved in criminality yet again and was jailed for 27 months in December 2020 possession of Class A drugs with intent to supply and, while still under investigation for causing Mr Richardson’s death, dangerous driving.

But Ben Berkson, defending, claimed these further crimes had been sparked in part by the profound effect his earlier actions had had.

He said: “The impact of what had happened in September 2019 had a downward spiral effect on his life, leading him to consume and then sell Class A drugs.”

Mr Berkson said that Ross had “not been educated in the traditional sense since the age of nine” and was “naïve” and “easily manipulated.”

He also pointed out that Ross had not been driving the actual car that killed Mr Richardson and that the race was started by Salvin, who the defendant had not known.

Mr Berkson said: “There is no evidence that this was competitive racing between two people who knew each other.”

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But Judge Nicholas Clarke KC said that the fact Ross had committed further crimes since the death of Mr Richardson counted against points like these.

He said: “All of that would have had a lot more force if he hadn’t gone out as he did dealing drugs and dangerous driving.”

Judge Clarke ordered that Ross be brought back before the court next month to allow him to explain his sentence to the 'wider public'.

Ross will next appear before Bolton Crown Court to learn his fate on Monday December 4.