An estate agent in Bolton is once again launching a Christmas present project to ensure disadvantaged children receive a gift.

Cardwells Estate Agents Bolton are collecting Christmas presents so disadvantaged children can have a present under the tree on Christmas morning this year.

The office on Institute Street in the town centre of Bolton is an official drop off point for the Mission Christmas charity campaign in association with CashForKids.

Andrew Cardwell, Managing Director of Cardwells said: “We are trying to help out in a small way by collecting Christmas presents for children who may not otherwise receive something this year.

The Bolton News:

“We are working collaboratively with this fabulous charity and are proud to provide our Bolton Town Centre office as an official drop of point if anyone would like to donate a present for a child this Christmas.

“We know this Christmas is going to be hard for lots of people, and we are trying to do a little something to help those who may need extra support this year.

“Perhaps you could consider buying one extra present this year to donate? It could make the world of difference to one child’s Christmas.”

If anyone would like to help, the charity ask that presents should be new and unwrapped and with Cardwells Estate Agents Bolton by December 18.

The estate agents ran a similar campaign last year with success as heaps of presents dropped off to the office.

Cash4Kids are a grant-giving charity who help children in need around the UK.

There are drop-off points all over the UK and gift ideas include toys for babies, stationery, scarves, colouring books, jigsaws, books, board games, make-up and headphones.

The charity is especially in need of gifts for babies and teenagers.

Organizations supporting families with children can also sign up to receive gifts as part of the scheme.

To find out more about the project, visit the website.