Ainsworth Methodist Church’s Christmas Tree Festival has returned for the first time since 2019.

The festival, which began 12 years ago features Christmas trees of all shapes and sizes and designs, as well as festive displays.

This year displays feature a Doctor Who themed tree, an Ainsworth Wonderland, and a Bradshaw railway village.

The Bolton News: Ainsworth Methodist Church Christmas Tree Festival

The task of setting up for the event began three days prior with participants from across the town decorating their trees and arranging their festive displays.

Joanne Butterworth, who organised the event on behalf of Ainsworth Methodist Church said: “This is going to be amazing. We have nearly 40 trees from individuals, organisations, and community groups, and they are all different with some very inventive ideas”.

The festival takes place every two years.

The Bolton News: Ainsworth Methodist Church Christmas Tree Festival

Ainsworth Methodist Church is a pillar in the community, hosting many events throughout the year including Autumn fairs and summer fun days, aiming not only to raise funds for the church and various charities but to bring the community together.

The festival opens on Friday 24th November at 6PM until 9PM, Saturday 25th November 10 AM until 4 PM, and closes on Sunday 26th 12PM until 4PM. Tickets cost £2.00 with accompanied children being admitted for free. All proceeds from the event go towards church funds helping them organise future community events like this one.