A business owner has raised his concern after boxes of Covid tests were fly-tipped onto a patch of town centre wasteland. 

Earlier this week, The Bolton News reported that numerous boxes containing Covid tests had been dumped on land off Moor Lane

The boxes have been there since at least last Friday, November 17. 

Now, a local business owner has raised concern about the boxes and fly tipping in the town generally. 

Brendan Roberts of Black Line Tattoos on Moor Lane said: "I am sure there are serial numbers on there that could tell you where they came from. 

"Bolton Council claimed it was increasingly difficult to do anything about it because it is on private land. 

"Fly tipping is a big issue, why is it a non-issue if it is on private land - it is still fly tipping. 

"Does that mean everyone can take household waste down and put it on this land because the Council can't do anything?" 

He added: "It is a big mound of boxes. There has got to be some serious money in those boxes. 

"The town is looking scruffy enough without people fly tipping in the centre. It just needs removing but they have told me already they won't do it. 

"I think it is the council's responsibility to keep the town centre looking tidy."

Ward councillor Akhtar Zaman looked at the fly tip this week. He said: "What I saw was completely unbelievable to be honest. 

"Somebody coming along and dumping god knows how many boxes, from the road it appeared to be something like 40-50 boxes. 

"What I have done is asked the officers to investigate this to see if there are any barcodes or anything on the boxes to determine who they could have been issued to. I haven't yet had an update. 

"That piece of land is privately owned, so our officers will go through the proper process to deal with that."