A Bolton primary school is first class ­— just ask pupils, staff or even Ofsted.

The Valley Primary School has again been classed as an outstanding school following a visit by the education watchdog.

Children say that 'it is privilege to attend such an exception place'.

Ofsted inspectors reported: "Pupils are very proud of their school and their many accomplishments.

"Pupils enjoy being at school because they value learning."

Children achieve" exceptionally well" said inspectors, who added: "They leave Year 6 as well-rounded, confident and articulate youngsters ready to make the most of all that is on offer in the secondary phase of their education."

The school was praised for offering "exceptionally high quality activities" to support children's personal development.

The report stated: "Pupils are deeply respectful of those who may be different to themselves. They learn to recognise and foster their own talentsthrough hard work and perseverance. In addition, pupils are quick to celebrate the strengths and achievements of others. "

The Bolton News: The Valley School celebrates great Ofsted report

Mr Kevan Naughton, headteacher, said: "We have been working tirelessly improving the school since my arrival in 2011.

"The new Education Inspection Framework (EIF), used by Ofsted is incredibly rigorous. We believe we had an inspection team that acknowledged the work the school has achieved in improving our outcomes, develop a broad and rich curriculum and support those pupils prone to making less progress than others.

" In particular, I am most pleased with how Ofsted understood our philosophy of a full and active integration of all pupils with Special Educational Needs, who go on to make exceptional progress.

"The school, via its work attaining the Inclusion Quality Mark, close ties with the Local Authority and Ladywood Outreach Services, has developed systems for identification and support, which can start as early as when pupils are two and enter our Early Years provision. The school has numerous awards in this area including the “Dyslexia Aware School.”

"The school, which has consistently been placed in the top 20 per cent of the highest achieving schools, has always had a long record of academic excellence.

"Results over the last 12 years have shown a real level of academic consistency and ability to change and adapt to new expectations.

"Equally and importantly, we believe in the importance of making a contribution to supporting pupil’s personal development and values. Allowing pupils to make an active contribution to the wider school community.

"In a world that seems increasingly divided, we want our pupils to respect each other and those different from themselves. We want these future leaders of business, community and government to have a rounded view of Modern Britain and to play their part in improving and supporting families and communities.

"This means valuing the views of those different from themselves, as both groups and individuals.

"There are many dedicated and incredibly hardworking staff, past and present, who have made a real contribution to these outcomes. This acknowledgement should be seen as a shared celebration, of all we have achieved together."

He added: "I have said many times that Bolton has a plethora of Good and Outstanding schools working tirelessly to support the children of Bolton. It is a privilege to be externally validated for the work we do but we also value the wider contribution we make to school system. Behind the scenes we have supported many schools across the North West, in their improvement journey. I firmly believe that continuing to work together is the key to wider school improvement.

The school is described as an “outstanding legacy school” meaning it was exempt form routine inspection during much of the last 13 years.

Chair of Governors, Alyson Cullen said, “The inspectors were very clear that they felt we had continued to lead the way in developing both our teaching and the wider curriculum.

"Some schools in our position have been shown that they no longer meet the criteria Ofsted set for delivering an 'outstanding' level of education.

"This result shows it is possible but it takes time, dedication and a tremendous amount of hard work.

"The school works tirelessly with all members of our community to create a collegiate atmosphere. Highly committed and dedicated staff work in partnership with supportive parents to ensure every child reaches their full potential.

"As Governors, we see ourselves as critical friends of the school. We are extremely proud of each and every one of our wonderful pupils. Going forward, we are really excited about the next phase of continued school improvement.

"I would like to personally thank all the staff and school leadership team for this monumental outcome.”

The Bolton News: The Valley School celebrates great Ofsted report

Head Boy, Margoob Ahmed, 10, said: “This school gives us an outstanding opportunity to have a range of different learning opportunities, education for us is rewarding and fun.”

Head Girl, Saara Sufi, 10, added: “The school really develops our A.F.T.E.R. (Acceptance Fairness Trust Equality Respect) values, which we learn and put into practice. We are very proud of our reputation and how we work together as a community.”

Mrs S Bax, “As a parent and member of staff I have seen some amazing changes over the past 12 years. The standard of education and the high expectations we have for all pupils is evident everywhere. To achieve all this and to still have a really happy, hardworking team, in a family atmosphere, is a real achievement.

"What I really like is that the school works on the character of pupils. The curriculum and first hand experiences, like trips and events, are linked closely to the schools’ A.F.T.E.R. values. (Acceptance, Fairness, Trust, Equality and Respect)

"I sent my child to the school because I wanted them to achieve well but also develop as a person."