Around 14 people were arrested over two nights earlier this week amid a police crackdown on the transport network.

Officers stopped and searched 16 people and arrested 14 on suspicion of crimes ranging from possession of Class A drugs, possession of bladed articles and robbery.

The crackdown was carried out by officers from Greater Manchester Police’s Transport Unit, supported by GMP Bolton North among others.

A spokesperson said: “GMP Transport Unit have been busy supporting our colleagues at TfGM, helping ensure you have a safe and enjoyable experience using the various forms of Greater Manchester's Transport Network.

“This weekend over two nights, Friday and Saturday, officers from the Transport Unit have worked across Greater Manchester and they have arrested 14 individuals for offences ranging from possession of Class A drugs to possession of bladed articles and robbery.”

During the operation, police also issued 36 Traffic Offence Reports for alleged moving traffic violations and seized eight cars for allegedly being driven without insurance or licence.

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They also undertook a roads safety operation where over 100 pedal cyclists were stopped and given safety advice and taught the importance of highway code compliance.

Anyone with any concerns can call police on 101 or 999 in the event of emergency.

Alternatively, witnesses can call independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.