A newly recruited police dog helped to track down a stolen car in Bolton over the weekend.

According to Greater Manchester Police’s Tactical Dogs Unit PD Zeus, as he is known, also helped to track down the suspect officers believe to have stolen the car.

This came the same weekend that another police dog, known as PD Harley, helped to track and chase down a suspect who had been travelling in a car that officers say had been travelling on cloned licence plates.

A Greater Manchester Police spokesperson said: “The new recruits were in action this weekend.

“PD Zeus was deployed tracking after a stolen car abandoned in Bolton.

The Bolton News: PD HarleyPD Harley (Image: GMP)

“Zeus located the suspect with the help of a helicopter, and also located the car keys.

“PD Harley was deployed tracking, locating a suspect from a cloned car pursued by Lancashire.

“Top dogs!”

Police dogs are often deployed by Greater Manchester Police and by other police forces around the country to help detect crimes and chase down suspects.

Anyone with any information or concerns about stolen cars or similar kinds of crime or anti-social behaviour can call police on 101 or 999 in the event of an emergency.

Alternatively, witnesses can call independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.