A church in Horwich will be opening its cafe over  the Christmas period to combat loneliness over the festive period. 

New Chapel United Reformed Church in Horwich will be opening its café from 10am until noon on Boxing Day to welcome regulars, walkers or anyone who feels the need for a bit of company and a hot drink.

The cafe usually opens on Tuesdays. 

Church Leader Linda Gillet said: "We know that some people will not see anyone over Christmas, so we decided to open the Café so there is somewhere for them to go and get a hot drink and a bowl of soup and keep warm. If they are feeling brave, they can even join some of our regulars in a game of dominoes.

“New Chapel is part of a group of churches providing a Warm Hub for anyone struggling to keep warm or needing a bit of company, so we thought it particularly appropriate to open up on Boxing Day. Our volunteers will offer a warm welcome to anyone dropping in for a drink and a bit of company.

“We also realise that Boxing Day is a day for people to get out in the fresh air and walk off some of the excesses of the previous day, and so we look forward to welcoming any passing walkers who may be about.” 

The church is on New Chapel Lane, Horwich BL6 6QN.

For further information, contact church secretary Maureen Swift on 01204 695375.