A software engineer from Bolton was found with indecent images of children.

Police raided the home of Craig Griffiths and found his vile stash on a number of devices.

Bolton Crown Court heard hundreds of images were recovered featuring children as young as four.

Most of the images were of youngsters between the ages of 15 and 17.

William Staunton, prosecuting, said: “In 17 September 2020 acting on information police executed a search warrant at the home of the defendant.

“He lived alone and had no children.

“He was an unemployed computer programmer.

“Indecent images were found on his phone.”

Items were seized and Griffiths was found to have 258 category C images and 14 B ones.

He was also found to have a prohibited image which was an animation of a child.

When interviewed he denied possessing the material but said in 2020 he had issues with alcohol.

When charged he said he did not download it but would plead guilty to get it over with.

Griffiths, 45 and from Rowena Street, Bolton, Moses Gate, Bolton, appeared in court after admitting making Category A and B images and a possessing a prohibited image of a child.

Hannah Forsyth, defending, said: “He stands by his guilty pleas.

“He is ashamed of his behaviour, it is not something he wishes to repeat.

“It is over three years since the items were seized, there has been nothing further to concern the police.

“He is a software engineer.

“He is willing to comply with any order.”

Recorder Imran Shafi said: “I have read the presentence report carefully.

“You have shown no insight whatsoever it seems into your offending.

“You have shown no remorse.

“These are serious offences.

“If there was no market for images of children being sexually abused or exploited children would not be exploited.

“Children are exploited and abused and seriously affected for the rest of their lives for the sexual gratification of people around the world.

“That is something Mr Griffiths you should reflect on.

The Bolton News:

“It seems to me given you had the good sense to plead guilty, not an easy thing to do because of the type of stigma associated with the fact of these offences, the fact that you have not been in trouble before or since, it seems despite your approach in the presentence report there is a prospect of rehabilitation.”

He suspended a sentence of eight months for two years and ordered Griffiths to do 30 rehabilitation activity requirement days, 20 hours of unpaid work and ordered him to pay costs of £550.

He also placed him on the sex offenders register for ten years.