The owners of a new food outlet in Bolton say they want to bring something unique to the town centre.

I visited the new Cravings food truck outside the Market Place Shopping Centre where the owners of the new eatery were keen to get me to sample what is on the menu.

The owners are there to greet you inside a hut on the pavilion outside, a good position to catch customers coming in and out.

To begin with they made me one of their smash burgers.

These burgers, which you can get for £5.99, are made - as the name suggests - by smashing the mince onto the grill.

I was given this in a bun with a range of toppings including jalapenos as well as cheese and sauce.

The succulent taste and unique texture hits the spot and I make my way through it.

@heidimcteapot Juiciest burger in #Bolton at Cravings, Market Place patio 🫶 #food #burger #yum ♬ Big Juicy Burger - Richie Holm & Mozby

Read more: Cravings opens offering something unique in Bolton town centre

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Read more: Provisional £20million funds could transform town centre

Compared to other burgers it is more filling and the sauces, created by Cravings, leave a longer taste. 

The Bolton News: They sell smash burgers

But I am far from done as, on top of this, I am given chips with a few sauces ranging in spiciness. I have a bit of each but do not think I am brave enough for the spiciest. 

Next up is one of the  business' unique milkshakes which includes flavours beyond the usual chocolate and vanilla with Ferrero Rocher, which you can get for £4.50, being the one I opt for.

And just when I thought I was full to the brink there is more to come.

I was given a waffle which appears to be like a pizza in a box capable of being divided up into slices and shared.

The Bolton News: They also do waffles

Half of this contains Kinder Bueno and the other half contains Oreo biscuits and it can be bought for £5.95.

This leaves me more than full up so I decided to take it back to the office with some colleagues who are more than grateful for the chance to devour the new product in the centre of Bolton.

The Bolton News: Staff member Ibby, left, and founders Numann Yousaf and Zain Ishaq

If what I got to eat at Cravings is anything to go by lots of people will soon be visiting the town centre outlet.