Rag Week - a time when Bolton would be full of nervous looking nuns and couples tied together around the leg.

The Bolton News: GCE pre-nursing students from Bolton Metropolitan College organised a fancy dress sponsored walk from their Horwich campus into Bolton and back in 1983

Students would raise thousands of pounds for good causes through a variety of wacky activities during rag week.

We have been into the archives to dig out a few pictures recording some of the Rag Week stunts which took place in the Seventies and Eighties.

The three-legged pub crawl appears to have been particularly popular and fancy dress was almost compulsory during Rag Week it would seem.

The Institute of Technology appeared to lead the way when it came to rag week capers.

If you were in Bolton town centre during Rag Week chances were at least one bunch of students would attempt to sell you that year’s Rag Mag, complete with dodgy jokes and cartoons.

Were you a student during this period? Did you take part in any Rag Week events? If you have any photos we’d love to share them with Looking Back readers. Email bygones@nqnw.co.uk or leave a comment.