Extensions will be allowed to two neighbouring properties in Great Lever to accommodate the medical needs of a resident.

Plans for the development of part two storey/part single storey extensions at rear and sides together with front porches and rear dormers and raising of ridge height at semi0-detached properties Paulhan Street have been given the green light - despite planning officers at Bolton Council recommended that the proposals be rejected.

Planning officers said it would be overdevelopment which would be detrimental for the site.

A report said: "Taken cumulatively, the proposed extensions to both dwellings, by virtue of the overall bulk, scale, design, and appearance would not appear as subordinate additions, and would represent the overdevelopment of the site which would be detrimental to the character and appearance of the street scene."

But a resident of one of the properties explained why the move had been made.

They said: "I come before you not just as an applicant seeking a housing extension but as someone whose life has been affected by a relentless medical condition."

He added: "This first floor side extension is not a mere architectural addition to our home it is a lifeline.

"This extension isn't solely for my benefit, it's a crucial step towards ensuring the quality of life for my family, to accommodate their needs.

"I urge the committee to consider the human face behind the application, it is just just about bricks and mortar it is about dignity, health and wellbeing of a family enduring an extraordinary burden."

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Councillor David Wilkinson said it was not overdevelopment.

He said: "It will fit. The area in question is not going to be painted and hung in the art gallery.

"It really isn't an area which is going to be affected dramatically by the extension.

"We've heard the applicant in regard to health grounds, I think the extensions, they may be big, but I do not think they detract and cause much of a problem."

The plans were approved.