What is believed to be 'human remains' have been found at industrial estate in Darwen.

A large emergency service presence has been reported in Marsh House Lane, where it is believed 'human' remains were found on land connected to the industrial estate yesterday (Wednesday, February 7). 

A police cordon has been put in place but many of the units within the industrial estate are still open for business.

Police have said while they are in the "very early stages of an investigation" they can confirm "remains have been found".

The Bolton News: A scene where suspected human remains have been found in Darwen

A spokesperson for Lancashire Police said: "We were called to Marsh House Lane Industrial Estate, Darwen, at 12.26pm on February 7 to reports remains had been found on land at the site.

"We are at the very early stages of an investigation and work is ongoing to establish the origin of the remains."

A site worker confirmed to the Lancashire Telegraph that he and a colleague uncovered the remains on Wednesday morning. 

The worker, who did not wish to be named, said: “We were just clearing up and tidying up some rubbish at the back of the units, it was around 11am.

“I had a wheelbarrow and my colleague was digging and he said, ‘can you come and help me’, and he dug down and uncovered a skeleton.

“It was just the head and the torso, just covered over with some soil. 

“We were shocked. We called the police straight away and they got here really quickly.

”We’ve no idea how long the remains have been there for. It was just such a shock for us.”

The man said the police had been, “really good”, since the discovery on Wednesday, and have now offered specialist support to him and his colleague.

Police would urge people living in the area not to speculate at this time until further information becomes available. 

The Bolton News: A scene where suspected human remains have been found in Darwen

Anyone with information is asked to call the police on 101, quoting log 558 of February 7.

There are very few people who are not police officers at the site currently, as investigations continue.

A row of forensic tents have been set up in the car park, with numerous police vehicles dotted around the site and officers standing guard.