A woman from Rossendale is to undergo life-changing surgery thanks to the overwhelming generosity of people touched by her plight. 

Lauren Bolton, 29, from Helmshore, has late stage Temporomandibular joint disease, which has damaged her jaw joint and she now lives in constant pain.

Known as  'locked jaw', the rare condition can cause pain and stiffness around the jaw, ear and temple, and Lauren's only option is surgery.

Lauren is unable to eat solid food, and her family fear her health will continue to deteriorate without urgent surgery.

Her family set up a fundraising page to raise money for private surgery to replace her jaw joint.

After describing the impact of the condition on ITV Granada Reports, she watched as donations increased to the target of £55,000.

A local businessman, who wishes to stay anonymous, was among those watching her story on the news programme and offered to make up the rest of the £95,000 needed for the surgery if they could reach half of their target, which they did.

Lauren's mother, Denise Bolton, said: "We simply do not have the words to express how we feel right now.

"To go from feeling like there was no end in sight to having the funds for Lauren's operation is nothing short of incredible.

"We are so grateful to everyone who has messaged, donated, or been a shoulder to cry on.

"The way that people have pulled together to support Lauren has been wonderful and we are finally beginning to see our girl's smile come back.

The Bolton News: Lauren and her dad (ITV)Lauren and her dad (ITV) (Image: ITV)

"Messages of support mean everything to us and the tears still have not stopped coming.

"Incredibly, despite the fact the operation is now paid for, we have continued to receive messages and calls from people asking if they can donate or fundraise to cover some of Lauren's loss of earnings and to ensure she has some financial support to see her through her surgery and recovery.

"For this reason, we have decided to leave the fundraiser open for anyone who wishes to contribute."


As the procedure is very complex, only a handful of surgeons can do it and most are private.

On the NHS, Lauren is looking at a wait of almost four years for the surgery, which her family fear she will not survive with worries about the impact of her weight loss on her organs.

Lauren told ITV: "I'm just blown away with everyone's kindness. Everyone who shared, everyone who's messaged. I've read those messages more than once."

As the surgery is so new, it is also unavailable in Lancashire, causing Lauren and her family extra financial strain travelling back and forth to London to receive treatment hopefully later this year.

Donations can be made by searching 'Life Changing Surgery for our daughter, Lauren'.

Sue Cook, from Congleton, Cheshire, was unable to donate to the online fundraiser but still wanted to help.

She sent a £10 cheque to Rawtenstall's Post Office, hoping they could get it to Lauren who got in touch with Denise.

Along with the cheque was a letter, which read: "Wish it could be more. However I hope everyone watching will donate to get you the operation you need."