A senior police officer has responded after the 3rd dispersal order was implemented this week in response to anti-social behaviour

Inspector Kieron Maddocks has issued the order to run until 7am tomorrow.

He said:   "Following an increase in anti-social behaviour incidents in Bolton Town centre, I have authorised dispersal orders this week.

"The dispersal order has been issued to target a specific area for a period of time that is propionate to the reported incidents.

"The dispersal order does not stop or prevent people from coming to Bolton Town centre."

The Dispersal Order powers come under the ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR, CRIME AND POLICING ACT 2014 and will run from 1400hrs 8th March 2024 until 0700hrs 9th March 2024.

Inspector Maddocks said: "It provides my officers with additional powers and options to deal with individuals who are engaging in anti-social behaviour or my officer's believe are likely to engage in this behaviour.

"Anyone dispersed under this power will be referred to partner agencies and further preventative work will take place.

"Bolton Town centre is open for all to enjoy.

"My decision to implement the dispersal order is to ensure everyone gets to enjoy their visit without experiencing any problems.

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"I can not answer all of your questions, but it was clear that a more detailed explanation was needed and you were right to ask.

"If you see my officers in the town centre, say hello and feel free to ask them any questions you may have.

"If you have any further questions, why not join us at our PACT meetings or join bee in the loop and message us."