A primary school in Bolton has created a warm, caring and kind community.

St John the Evangelist Roman Catholic Primary School,  was rated good by Ofsted following a recent inspection.

Inspectors found that pupils were “quickly welcomed into a warm and caring school community”.

They reported continued: “They treat each other with kindness.

“For example, at breaktimes pupils are quick to spot if someone is alone and to ask them to join in.

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“This helps pupils to feel happy.”

Headteacher at the school Lesley Jackson says the school is “delighted” with the latest report and says that the school is a “family school”.

She said: “We are delighted with our recent Ofsted inspection report. We continue to be a good school.

“As we are very much a “family school” we are really pleased how Ofsted recognised us as a warm and caring school community where pupils are quickly welcomed.

“Our children make us very proud day-in and day-out with how they treat each other with kindness and respect.

“All of our St. John’s team of staff and governors deserves this affirmation from Ofsted.”

The school was praised for the support offered to pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

The inspection found that most pupils enjoy their learning, and they “typically rise to the

school’s high expectations and achieve well”.

The report continued: “Pupils are polite and respectful towards adults and to each other.

“Well established routines help to ensure that they behave sensibly.

“The atmosphere around the school is calm and purposeful.”

Inspectors also found that pupils develop a varied range of hobbies and interests, such as the gardening club, and playing glow in the dark dodgeball.

The school was praised for it “ambitious curriculum”.

Ofsted reported: "In most subjects, the school has identified precisely the essential knowledge that pupils should acquire so that their learning builds securely over time.

"Where this is the case, pupils revisit this important knowledge frequently. Teachers act swiftly when they identify any gaps in pupils’ learning.

"In these subjects, pupils typically learn well."

Inspectors added: "Pupils learn a wealth of information to prepare them well for life in modern society.

"They have a secure understanding of diversity, and they respect differences between themselves and others.

"Pupils think about how they can contribute to their school and the wider community."

Staff were found to enjoy working at the school.

It was the first routine inspection since Covid began in 2019.

Mrs Jackson says that they currently have limited spaces available in a few age ranges, and she has asked anyone who wants to have a look round, to get in touch.

For more information contact the school via email office@st-johns-bromley-cross.bolton.sch.uk or telephone 01204 333440.

If you have a story and something you would like to highlight in the community, please email me at jasmine.jackson@newsquest.co.uk or DM me on Twitter @JournoJasmine.