A speeding driver reversed into a police car and through “containers” at officers chasing him in a bid to make his escape.

Daniel Daniels, 26, was parked in a red BMW on Rawson Street, Farnworth, when he was spotted by police on patrol on April 12 this year.

Bolton Crown Court heard how a passenger in the car got out and fled on foot before Daniels drove away, starting a chase that culminated with damaging the pursuing police car.

Prosecutor Olivia Brooksbank-Laing said: “The defendant came to an abrupt stop, reversing into the police vehicle causing some damage.”

She added: “This ultimately caused some damage to the bumper and grill of the police vehicle.”

The Bolton News: The case was heard at Bolton Crown CourtThe case was heard at Bolton Crown Court (Image: Newsquest)

Ms Brooksbank-Laing told the court that, before damaging the police car, Daniels had reached speeds of up to 50mph in a 20mph zone.

During the chase he drove through residential areas and threw “containers” at the police as they drove after him.

He eventually stopped the car and tried to escape on foot through an alleyway before he was finally caught.

Daniels, who has seven previous convictions for 17 offences, tested positive for cocaine at the roadside, but when brought to Bolton Police Station he refused to provide a blood sample.

When brought before the magistrates court, Daniels, of Crummock Grove, Farnworth, pleaded guilty to dangerous driving.

He also confessed to obstructing the police, driving without a licence, driving without insurance, failure to stop when ordered by police, and failing to provide a specimen for analysis.

Tanya Elahi, defending, said that Daniels had pleaded guilty at the first opportunity and told the court that he was “deeply ashamed and remorseful".

She said: “Upon his release from prison he will be motivated to change his ways while he is still young.”

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Ms Elahi said that Daniels had admitted to her that starting the chase was a “stupid moment".

Recorder Alexandra Simmonds accepted Daniels’ remorse and guilty plea but reminded him of how dangerous his actions could have been.

She said that the area he had driven through was a “populated area, with pedestrians and children".

Recorder Simmonds also noted that Daniels had been on licence at the time.

She jailed him for three years and hit him with a three-year driving ban.