People have been invited to have their say on how £20M is spent on remodelling their town.

Farnworth was chosen as one of 55 towns across the country for a cash injection from the government to invest in its high street and tackle anti-social behaviour.

The £20M from the Long Term Plan for Towns will be spent over the next ten years and public events will soon be held for people in Farnworth to give their views on how this should happen.

Bolton Council deputy leader Cllr Akhtar Zaman said: “We are putting the building blocks in place to help us set out a plan for the delivery of our long-term project in Farnworth.

“This initiative needs to be shaped by residents, so we invite you to contribute through the online website and in-person events.

The Bolton News: Greater Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham with councillors and developers at the Farnworth Green siteGreater Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham with councillors and developers at the Farnworth Green site (Image: Capital&Centric)

“I encourage all residents and businesses to have their say.”

The £20M fund follows on from a series of projects investing in Farnworth, including the Future High Street Fund and the Greater Manchester Investment Fund.

This has funded the leisure centre upgrade and the new homes, shops and community hub at the Farnworth Green development.

Now the further £20M will be used to fund projects that address the key issues faced by businesses and the public or to fund smaller scale initiatives and activities.

This will be overseen by a Towns Board, which will include the borough’s MPs with other representatives from schools, businesses and charities.

Bolton Council is expected to announce an independent figure to chair the board in the near future.

But to find out what issues the board should be using its £20M to address, the council will need people to come forward and help identify them.

The Bolton News: An artist's impression of the completed Farnworth Green siteAn artist's impression of the completed Farnworth Green site (Image: Capital&Centric)

Cllr Paul Sanders, of Farnworth and Kearsley First, said: “Farnworth is one of only 55 towns across the whole county to have been awarded this funding by government.

“It's proof that in recent years Farnworth has been put back on the map.

“This is a unique opportunity, we need you to express your views on the challenges and issues in our area, and new projects and possible solutions you'd like to see.

“This is open to anyone who wants to see projects come to fruition to benefit residents across Farnworth and Kearsley.”

The council will be hosting two public events as well as opening an online consultation to let people make their views known.

Bolton South East MP Yasmin Qureshi said: “I encourage all Farnworth residents to get involved in the consultation.

ALSO READ: 'Building blocks in place' on 10-year plan for £20M project to remodel town

ALSO READ: The borough's 'overlooked town' to receive a multi-million pound cash injection

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“It is a really great opportunity to shape investment in Farnworth for the forthcoming years.

“If you have never been before, go along as fresh voices are very much needed to shape the future of our town.”

The public engagement events will be held on Monday, May 20.

The first will be at the New Bury UCAN Centre reception area from 12.30pm to 3pm with the second at the Farnworth Start Well and Young People's Centre, King Street from 4pm to 6.30pm.

People can also search while anyone with any questions can email