A SCHOOL for children with special needs where pupils enjoy clubs like ‘sing and sign choir’, yoga, messy play and where they are welcomed by the school dog each morning has been hailed as ‘outstanding’ by inspectors.

The Ofsted team visited Rowan Tree Primary School on Green Hall Close in Atherton in March.

Their report said: “Pupils are very happy at this ambitious school. All pupils have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).”

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The report said the school has high expectations of pupils’ achievement and conduct and that staff use this knowledge to provide pupils with a ‘highly personalised curriculum’ - 'as a result, pupils thrive' it said.

“The school focuses on improving pupils’ personal physical and communication skills through a broad curriculum and engaging learning environment.

“Pupils experience a calm and supportive school. They receive a warm welcome from staff and Rowan, the school dog, each morning."

The report said the school successfully supports pupils to improve their behaviour over time. “Well-established routines help pupils to focus on their learning,” the report continued.

“Pupils benefit from many visits and experiences. For example, they walk to places in the local community and they attend residential visits further afield. Children enjoy attending clubs, such as sing and sign choir, yoga and messy play.

“They share books and learning experience with friends from local schools.”

It said that pupils learn to care for farm animals, insects and the school rabbits, Flopsy and Mopsy.

“These opportunities contribute to developing pupils into active young citizens, the report said.

“The school’s vision statement, ‘learning every moment’, is embedded in all aspects of school life.”

The school on Green Hall Close accommodates 128 pupils. At its last inspection in September 2017, it was also graded as ‘outstanding’.