YOUNG eco-warriors at St Mary’s RC Primary in Horwich could teach people more than a thing or two about green living.

After claiming last year’s overall winner award, following a triumph in the schools category, the youngsters refused to rest on their laurels and have taken their environmentally friendly policies a step further.

Anne Davies, the school’s eco-co-ordinator, said: “The award inspired children to do more.

“It was nice for them to be recognised for their work.

“They take what they do at school in being environmentally friendly back home with them.”

For five years, staff and youngsters have been making changes to their lifestyles to become environmentally conscious.

Examples range from appointing pupil monitors to ensure lights and computers are switched off to placing little “rhinos” in the toilets to cut down on the water used.

St Mary’s was the first Bolton school to be awarded the Green Flag, an accolade awarded by Eco-Schools, run by the Foundation for Environmental Education.

Mrs Davies said: “Since winning the award the children have joined the Wildlife Trust and established a herb and vegetable garden.

“Their success in winning awards has inspired them to do even more. It is enjoying and making the most of the environment they live in.

“Their eco-work complements and brings the curriculum alive for them, particularly in maths and science, but also English and history.”

The school is going for its second Green Flag at the end of the year.