1 Use a microwave to heat small quantities of food rather than a cooker.

2 If you use a tumble drier, always dry heavier items like towels separetly from lighter items.

3 When you go shopping for fruit or vegetables, look for the country of origin and choose the produce that has travelled the shortest distance.

4 Take a shower instead of a bath to save water.

5 Save envelopes and re-use them.

6 Empty the car boot to save petrol and drive conservatively.

7 Leave the car at home for short journeys and walk, cycle or take the bus.

8 Switch to receiving bills by email rather than in the post.

9 Recycle printer ink cartridges
Experts say one can be reused up to seven times
More than 1.1 billion inkjet cartridges are used annually around the world which if laid end to end would be 129 times as long as the Great Wall of China.

10 Turn off the tap while cleaning your teeth and you can save around five litres of water every time.