PLUCKY Aisha Natha has been through a traumatic year, but is still determined to help other youngsters.

The 10-year-old has made a remarkable recovery after being badly burned in an accident this year and she was determined to join in her school’s Children in Need fund-raising.

Her family, who live in Heaton, is related to Bolton entrepreneur Imran Hakim, who invented the iTeddy toy, and he happily donated one for Aisha to take as a raffle prize to Markland Hill School in Heaton.

Her mum Kulsum Natha, aged 39, said: “Aisha wanted to do something to help and wondered if we’d be able to donate an iTeddy. She was thrilled when she was able to give one to the school.”

Aisha and her sisters, Humayrah, aged 13 and Halimah, aged three, have iTeddies and are huge fans of the toy.

Mum and dad, Salim, aged 42, call Aisha their “little miracle” and believe her enthusiasm for school helped her on the road to recovery.

In February, she suffered 50 per cent burns in an accident at her aunt’s home in Blackburn. Aisha’s skirt caught alight as she reached across the fire to the mantelpiece.

She spent three-and-a-half months being treated in the burns unit at Booth Hall Children’s Hospital in Manchester.

Aisha still has to go to Booth Hall for bandage changes and physiotherapy, but her progress has been remarkable.

Mrs Natha said: “It has been a very difficult time, but Aisha being back at school is really special. School is very important to her and that’s why she wanted to do something to help.”