A PERVERT who sexually abused a young girl has had his sentence cut.

Stephen Owen, aged 61, was found guilty of 13 sexual offences following a two-day trial.

He was jailed for 12 years by judge Stephen Everett in October.

But yesterday judge Everett decided to reduce the sentence to nine years.

He told Bolton Crown Court yesterday: “I had intended for Owen to serve half of the sentence, six years, before he is released.

“But he will have to serve a minimum of two thirds and it seems, serious though the offences were, 12 years is too long and nine years is more appropriate.“ Owen, of Westhoughton Road, Adlington, started abusing a girl in the 1990s when he lived in Horwich.

He assaulted her when she was aged eight. The abuse continued for five years, but she did not report it to police until she was 20.

Owen, a wagon driver, told her it was normal, but as she got older, she realised it was wrong and told him to stop. He told the court she was lying, but the jury found him guilty.