FOUR youth clubs in Bolton are at the centre of a council review to improve services for teenagers.

Bolton Council is aiming to have more youth clubs open on Friday and Saturday nights.

But it says Blackrod, Sunning Hill, Central Drive in Westhoughton, and the Hut in Breightmet could be improved on.

And that has led to fears that youth clubs will be closed and merged with centres in neighbouring areas as part of the review.

John Timms, chairman of the Blackrod Village Association, said: “We do not want it to close because this is the only place the children in the village have to go.

“The current building is not really suitable and the services can be improved if the young people get more of a say in what activities they do.

“But the last thing we want is for it to close and it be moved to Horwich or another area.”

A council spokesman said: “A review of all Bolton’s youth facilities is currently being carried out and, so far, we feel that four of the centres — Blackrod; Sunning Hill; Central Drive in Westhoughton; and the Hut in Breightmet — could improve their services or the building they operate from.

“Any improvements to the service will be subject to consultation but may be found using different buildings and facilities to provide a better quality of service for young people, possibly in conjunction with a local school or voluntary sector provider, and where necessary alternative facilities will be found in the interim until next April.

“One of the key aims of the improvements will be to have more youth centres open on a Friday and Saturday night.

“As a result, we now intend to consult with young people, staff and executive members with a view to put in better provision from April 1, 2009.

“The consultation period will begin at the start of January, with plans drawn up at the end of February ready for implementation in April.”