BUSINESSES and residents have rallied round a children’s charity shop which was raided by thieves.

The burglars caused thousands of pounds worth of damage when they went on a wrecking spree at the Derian House charity shop in Higher Market Street, Farnworth, earlier this week.

It meant money that would be spent on giving the terminally-ill children at Derian House hospice a special Christmas would instead have to be spent on repairs.

But after reading about the raid in The Bolton News, a travel store has come forward with the offer of toys for the shop to sell — and raise much-needed funds for the poorly youngsters.

Co-op Travel, in Burnden Retail Park, Bolton, holds a Santa’s Suitcase appeal every year, where it invites customers and staff to donate toys to give to less fortunate children.

Travel adviser Sarah Dixon said: “When we read about the burglary at the Derian House shop we thought we should help out.

“We hadn’t come up with a charity to donate our toys to so it seemed like the obvious choice.

“We are only too happy to help.

“We will carry on collecting toys up until Christmas and will pass on any donations to Derian House.”

Shop manager, Sandra Roberts, said the shop had been inundated with offers of help after the story appeared in The Bolton News.

And one local firm, Tom Gallagher Ltd, in Derby Street, Bolton, has even offered to fit an alarm to the shop and carry out electrical repairs inside the shop.

Mrs Roberts said: “The response has been unbelievable.

“People have been so kind. We have had so many people calling up offering to donate items to the shop.”

Police are still appealing for help to catch the thieves.

A spokesman said: “This was a cruel and callous burglary at a children’s charity and we would appeal for anybody with any information to get in touch with us.”

The burglary happened between 3pm on Saturday and 8.15am on Monday.

The thieves broke in through the roof and ransacked the building, stealing jewellery and a number of other items.

In addition to the thefts, the hospice will be faced with a repair bill of up to £2,000 for the damage caused by the offenders.

Anyone with any information is asked to call police on 0161 872 5050 or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.