POLICE have issued this CCTV image of a man they want to trace in connection with a burglary. The thief struck between 11.15pm on Monday, May 26, and 1am on Tuesday, May 27, at a house in Moorside Road, Tottington.

The burglar stole a purse belonging to the 84-year-old woman who lived at the house. The purse contained her credit cards. The thief tried to use the cards at the Lloyds TSB in Bolton town centre in the early hours of May 27, but did not manage to steal any money.

Officers believe that the man responsible could be from Bolton. Anyone with any information about this burglary, or who recognises the man in the pictures, is asked to contact the Volume Crime Team at Bury on 0161 856 8136 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.