ONE hundred and forty workers at a troubled kitchen manufacturer were sacked on the spot when administrators were called in.

Staff turned up for work as normal yesterday but were later sent home and told they no longer had jobs by administrators who have been brought in to cut costs and save the firm.

And the rest of the 250-strong workforce have been warned they could also lose their jobs at Westhoughton-based Bernstein Holdings Group, known as BGH, unless new buyers can be found.

But workers, suppliers and customers last night spoke of their anger at company bosses who, they say, could have given more warning that the company was in trouble.

They have claimed many more local businesses — already under-pressure in the current economic climate — will now be plunged into trouble because they will never get paid for work done or goods supplied to BGH.

Some customers claim they were being allowed to pay for orders from BGH even on Thursday, just a day before the administrators were called in. And they fear they will never see the goods they have paid for.

Administrators Price Waterhouse Cooper last night confirmed they had been called in by the company. A spokeswoman said: “The business has suffered significant losses as a result of the severe housing and retail downturn in the UK and the slowdown in consumer spending on home improvements. “Additionally, a trade kitchen supplier, which was a major customer, announced its closure, which has had a significant impact on the viability of the company. “Regrettably, it may not be not possible to continue the operations and fulfill outstanding contracts without significant additional funding.

“Accordingly, 140 employees have been made redundant with immediate effect. The administrators intend to complete existing orders on hand.”

Chairman Bill Gleave, finance director Andrew Coveney, logistics director Gavin Kellitt and managing director Tony Fox all failed to reply to calls from The Bolton News.

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