by Cherry Thomas THE BIG Bolton Health Check can come to you — that’s the message from Bolton Primary Care Trust.

Staff at schools across Bolton are being tested, with health trainers visiting them to complete the 10-minute assessment to determine their risk of developing heart disease in the next decade.

Now the PCT would like more schools to come forward and take part in the initiative, which aims to test 46,000 people over the age of 45 in the town before March, 2009.

Lesley Hardman, of Bolton Primary Care Trust, said: “We contacted Bolton Council to say we’d like to offer health checks.

“For some staff it’s very hard to get to community events or to their GP so we offered to go out to schools to do the test there.

“This is all about saying the BIG Bolton Health Check can come to you.”

Schools tested include SS Osmund and Andrew, Clarendon, Eagley Juniors, Beaumont and Greenfold primary schools.

Plans have been made to visit more primary schools and Withins High School between now and February.

The test involves blood pressure and cholesterol checks plus lifestyle questions and has already identified 15,500 people with more than a 20 per cent chance of developing heart problems.

They are now receiving treatment or have been advised to make lifestyle changes.

Anyone over 45 is entitled to a free health check by contacting their GP or by going along to events.

Schools, or anyone else unable to go to their GP or the events, should contact 01204 462160 or 01204 331210.