BEER drinkers in Bolton had the definitive guide to where the best could be imbibed.

In February, 1989, the local branch of The Campaign for Real Ale launched Beer in Bolton, a booklet listing more than 150 pubs in the borough which serve the genuine article.

“The only problem is that pubs these days change so quickly that by the time you have produced something like this, it’s already starting to go out of date,” said branch secretary Dave Fleming.

The finished product, priced £1.50 represented a two-year labour of love by 20 local members.

“I wouldn’t say we got tired of pubs, but we did get a bit fed up with one or two,” said editor Dave Tong.

Our picture shows CAMRA members and with the guide. From left: Steve Rishton, Warwick Green, Dave Fleming, Dave Tong, and Jim Hurst.