BRIAN Iddon has become the first Bolton MP to publish details of his expenses claims on the internet.

But anyone looking for claims for floating duck houses or moat cleaning services will be disappointed.

The receipts are heavily blanked-out — a condition of publication to protect sensitive information such as bank account details.

They cover Dr Iddon’s second home allowance claims and those made for his office for the administrative years of 2007/08 and 2008/09.

They show nothing that could be described as extravagant.

Yellow marker pens, crates of Coke and Diet Coke, bottles of Fairy washing-up liquid and Carex handwash are among the items Dr Iddon has claimed for during the last two years.

Dr Iddon, who is retiring as representative for Bolton South East at the next General Election, has lived in the same one-bedroom Westminster flat since he was elected in 1997. In 2007/08, he was ranked 579th out of the 645 MPs for claims, with his totalling £123,687, for items like staffing costs and travel.