PUDSEY Bear has been out and about visiting children in Bolton in the run up to this year’s Children in Need.

The charity mascot dropped in at St Peter CE Primary School, Farnworth, and also visited poorly youngsters at The Royal Bolton Hospital.

Pudsey was accompanied by fundraisers from Asda’s store in Farnworth, who support the charity every year.

The team has been giving biscuit cutters to schools and encouraging pupils to “bake the bear”.

Asda fundraiser Ann Entwistle said: “We are asking school children to bake Pudsey biscuits then sell them for Children in Need.

“Asda have supported the charity for a long time. We have been taking Pudsey out and about this year to meet local children.”

l WHAT are you doing for Children in Need? Contact the newsdesk on 01204 537259 or email newsdesk@ theboltonnews.co.uk and we will do our best to cover your event.

You can also send us pictures and videos of your fundraising drive for the annual Pudsey appeal and we will put them on our website at theboltonnews.co.uk