FROM the eerie intro onwards, this concert was a masterclass in exemplary musicianship.

The ex-Genesis guitarist took us on a trip through his illustrious career, even going right back to his first solo album with ‘Ace Of Wands’.

The jazzy ‘Mechanical Bride’ got the ball rolling and he followed it with four tracks off his new album, the excellent ‘Out Of The Tunnel’s Mouth’, ‘Everyday’ from his album ‘Spectral Mornings’ (which many believe to be his best recording) and a handful of others.

And, after an hour and a quarter, that was just the first half.

A few slight feedback problems that had emerged during the first half had been sorted for the second half and we were in for another 75 minutes of sublime music.

More from the new album, such as ‘Sleepers’ and the bluesy ‘Still Waters’, some Genesis tracks – including ‘Firth Of Fifth and ‘Los Endos’ plus a song that Genesis never did live, ‘Blood On the Rooftops’.

It was interesting to note that, although many of the numbers performed were instrumentals, Steve handled the vocals well.

However, on the Genesis numbers, he handed the lead vocal mantle over to the brilliant drummer Gary O’Toole.

Steve had the stage to himself for a while as he treated us to a delightful acoustic set.

Former Kajagoogoo bassist Nick Beggs, dressed in a black leather skirt and sporting pig-tails, put in a superb performance, and even had his own Chapman Stick solo. (A Chapman Stick’ is a bit like a guitar which has both guitar and bass strings which are hit rather than plucked).

Mention has to be made of the rest of Steve’s band, who were never less than spot-on.

Roger King on the keyboards, Manda Lehmann on guitar and Rob Townshend on saxes, flute and just about anything that could be blown, were all magnificent and added to some excellent harmonies.

The show ended with the classic ‘Clocks’ from ‘Spectral Mornings’.

The audience gave Steve and his band the longest standing ovation I’ve ever seen at The Lowry.

And quite right too, it was totally deserved.

Intro, Mechanical Bride, Fire On the Moon, Everyday, Emerald And Ash, Ghost In The Glass, Ace Of Wands, The Steppes, Slogans, Serpentine Song, Tubehead.

Spectral Mornings, Firth Of Fifth, Rainbows, Acoustic Part, Blood On The Rooftops, Fly On A Windshield, Sleepers, Nick Beggs solo, Still Waters, Los Endos.
