A BURGLAR sneaked into the house of his ex-girlfriend’s mother and stole her motability car.

Bolton Crown Court heard how Michelle Worsnop was at home in Garswood Grove, Great Lever, on July 7 this year when Daniel Crompton slipped into the hallway and stole the keys to her Fiesta.

Ann Hughes, prosecuting, told the court how, soon after, a woman who knew Crompton, saw him and Nathan Stillwell in the car in Chorley Old Road with a third man, Tabassam Anwar, in the rear seat. She phoned police. At 7.50pm, Crompton filled the car with £35 of petrol at a filling station in Grafton Street and drove off without paying.

The vehicle was eventually parked in the Doffcocker pub car park and Crompton handed the keys to his stepfather, who passed them on to police. Crompton, aged 20, of Kirkhope Walk, Halliwell, pleaded guilty to burglary, aggravated vehicle taking, driving while disqualified, making off without payment and driving without insurance.

Stillwell, aged 23, of Brookland Grove, Heaton, pleaded guilty to aggravated vehicle taking and driving without insurance or a licence.

Anwar, aged 24, of Thomas Holden Street, Bolton, pleaded guilty to allowing himself to be carried in a vehicle taken without consent.

Crompton, who is already in custody serving a sentence for a previous offence, was sentenced to six- months in a young offenders’ institution and banned from driving for one year.

Stillwell was given a six-month prison sentence suspended for 18 months and ordered to undergo 18 months’ supervision by the probation service and take part in an alcohol and offending programme.

Anwar was given a 12-month community order with supervision, and ordered to take part in a substance abuse programme and undergo alcohol treatment.