TENS of thousands of people in Bolton will drink dangerous levels of alcohol this Christmas, health chiefs have warned.

Around one in four of the borough’s adults — 55,000 — are set to ignore safe drinking levels, and NHS Bolton is urging people to think twice.

The warning comes just 24 hours before “Mad Friday,” the day many people finish work for the festive period and hit the town.

Phil Ramsell, health promotion specialist with NHS Bolton, said: “Christmas is of course a time of year for celebration and socialising and people will be tempted to drink even more than usual over the holidays.

“We are not trying to spoil people’s fun, just encourage them to watch what they are drinking. Many people just don’t realise they are drinking at risky levels.”

Figures show about 5,000 people are admitted to hospital in Bolton each year due to drinking and approximately 240 people die from alcohol-related conditions.

Long term excessive alcohol intake increases the risk of around 60 health problems and binge drinking can kill or lead to accidents.

The Department of Health recommends men should not regularly drink more than three to four units a day — a couple of pints of ordinary strength beer — and women not more than two to three units a day, a glass of wine.

Drinking above these levels can lead to liver damage, cancer of the mouth, throat and breast, strokes, mental illness and sexual reproductive disorders.

Binge drinking is defined by the DoH as drinking more than twice the daily recommended units in one session Revellers celebrating Christmas and New Year are being encouraged to:

* Alternate drinks with low alcohol or soft drinks.

* Keep a drink diary to tot up your units.

* Have alcohol free days.

Mr Ramsell added: “If you are going to have a drink over Christmas you are more likely to enjoy yourself if you follow some simple tips to keep yourself safe, the main tip is stay in control.”

For more information and advice visit boozetalk.co.uk.

* Health Correspondent Cherry Thomas will be keeping a festive drink diary over the Christmas and New Year period, which will be analysed by alcohol experts at NHS Bolton.

See The Bolton News next week for updates.
