A TEENAGER who was allegedly led into a life of crime by his mother’s ex-boyfriend is behind bars after plaguing the streets of Bolton as part of a two-man crime spree.

Anthony Norris, aged 18, of Slater Street, Bolton, was sentenced to 18 months in a young offenders institution after pleading guilty to three burglaries and the theft of a car.

He asked for 20 other similar offences to be taken into consideration.

Bolton Crown Court was told that Norris walked around Bolton at night, trying the front doors of homes before stealing from the properties that were unlocked.

But the court was told Norris was of previous good character and had been led into a life of crime by his mother’s former partner.

The court heard he was afraid of the man who would take a cut out of the profits from selling goods.

“This individual is now being treated by the police as a major target,” said Nick Ross, defending.

Det Sgt Darren Wiggans, from Bolton CID, speaking after the hearing, said: “We are aware of the individual involved who will continue to be targeted by Bolton police. We believe he may well have led Norris into a life of crime.

“Norris and his accomplice were a crime spree in themselves and we saw a huge fall in burglaries once they were locked up.”

Amanda Johnson, prosecuting, said Norris stole a car and mobile phone from a home in Brocksby Chase, Bolton, on November 12.

Two days later, resident Roy Lloyd, of Mornington Road, Heaton, woke up at 3.30am and noticed the living room light was on. He went downstairs and saw a man fleeing through his front door. Two laptop computers, a mobile phone and a wallet, together worth £1,300, were stolen.

Within hours, Norris and a 17-year-old accomplice targeted a house in nearby Harvest Park, Heaton.

Resident Tracy Smith woke at 5.30am to find someone had entered her living room though an unlocked front door and stolen two laptops worth £1,500.

On November 15, Norris and his accomplice were spotted by police. Norris was trying to hide a laptop down his trousers. Both were arrested and admitted the burglaries.

The 17-year-old, who cannot be named, was earlier sentenced to a 90 day curfew and a 12 month rehabilitation order by a youth court.