STUDENTS in Bolton are being urged to get protected after a big rise in mumps throughout the region.

Cases are on the rise in the North West, particularly in Greater Manchester, and 14 to 25-year-olds are most affected, with many in universities and colleges.

The Health Protection Agency has revealed that Greater Manchester has had 747 cases of mumps to week 48 this year, compared to 318 last year. In Bolton, there have been 28 cases in 2009, up from 16 in 2008.

Mumps is a serious condition, with symptoms including painful inflammation and swelling of the salivary glands under one or both sides of the jaw, fever and headache. Some people suffer complications and, on very rare occasions, patients can die.

Students not currently protected by two doses of MMR are advised to see their GP over the holiday period to arrange to be vaccinated, looking after their own health and preventing the spread of the infection.