CHARITIES, artists, musicians and entrepreneurs are being asked to revitalise Bolton town centre by moving into empty shops.

Bolton Council has £52,000 of Government money to dish out to local groups and individuals to ensure Bolton town centre stays vibrant during the recession.

The cash, part of a £3 million pot split between 57 towns and cities, could be used to help pay for revamping the premises, start-up costs, promoting the business and paying for service charges.

Funding will be given to projects occupying a unit in Bolton town centre and applications will also be considered for the four district centres at Farnworth, Horwich, Westhoughton and Little Lever.

Activities that could operate from empty shop units include taster sessions, community enterprises selling their wares or a temporary art gallery and museum.

Earlier this year the local authority said it planned to invite groups to operate from empty shops to stop parts of the town centre looking like a ghost town. Now it has been given the cash to take its plan forward.

Cllr John Byrne, Bolton Council’s Executive member for development and regeneration, said: “We want to boost the town centre and bring as many empty shops back into use as possible.

“This is a fantastic opportunity for someone to revitalise an empty unit into something useful and I’d urge people to get in touch to find out more.”

Local art collective Neoartists moved into a unit in the Market Place shopping centre in the summer.

Jason Simpson, from the group, said: “Being in the shopping centre allows us to bring art to a new audience. A lot of the people we get coming in would not normally visit a gallery and most don’t realise they are in one.

“It also breathes new life in to the town centre and it is great to see the kids come in to see the art and then bring their parents back the next day.”

The council has already spent £80,000 on a range of measures to help hard-hit town centre businesses, including help with training and employment issues.

The deadline for applications is Monday, January 18, at 5pm.

For more information or to request an application form contact Paula Connor on 01204 336129 or email andrew.greaves@