I WISH to present an alternative view of the Uglow wind farm to that presented by my Conservative opponent in his letter. I know that some Edgworth residents have concerns about the wind farm. However, many do not.

I won election to the parish council there last year while clearly supporting these wind farm proposals.

The noise issue is clearly scaremongering. The noise outside the nearest buildings is about the equivalent of the background noise in a quiet living room. That's less than the noise experienced inside a house on any road with traffic.

According to the leaflets issued by the campaign against the turbines, this is enough noise to drive the people in the house mad!

We need to install renewable energy sources now if we are to avoid catastrophic climate change. I am one of those Edgworth residents who are prepared to do their bit.

Graeme McIver

Green Party Parliamentary candidate

Rossendale and Darwen Constituency