LANGUAGE expert John Winder, is busy practising French phrases like "do you have any corn plasters?" for a charity marathon next month.

The 38 year-old teacher, currently studying translating at Salford University, is off to take part in the Paris Marathon on April 10.

And he reckons that training around Bolton's hilly terrain from his New Hall Lane, Heaton, home could prove an advantage when he tackles the flatter streets of the French capital.

John and two teacher friends from Birkenhead will be raising money for national charity Get Kids Going! which provides general and sports wheelchairs for disabled children and young people.

"I really wanted to help disabled children and young people to get going," he explained. "Especially those kids who can't even walk never mind run.

"The children desperately need wheelchairs to get about and compete in sports such as marathons, but the average cost of a sports wheelchair is £3,000. So we are hoping to raise at least that between us."

John started running three years ago and has taken part in two previous marathons. He reckons that he should be able to complete the course in around four hours, although he will be too busy concentrating on running to see many of the tourist sights.

As for any language difficulties, John has been practising a few useful phrases just in case.