SUNDAY'S Match Of The Day 2 featured an interesting piece on Manchester United fan Pete Boyle who, the show said, writes the songs the fans sing on the terraces.

He called himself, albeit with his tongue firmly stuck in his cheek, "the Morrissey of football rock". (Morrissey, for the older readers, is an acclaimed writer of pop songs over the last 20 years).

Asked about his songs, he said the first one he heard sung around the ground was "We'll drink to Eric (Cantona) the king" - to the tune of the Scaffold's Lily The Pink in the 1990s.

Coincidentally, any fan of the other Manchester club will tell you that their main party song from the early 1970s up to the present day has been "We'll drink to Colin (Bell) the king" - to the tune of the Scaffold's Lily The Pink.

It seems the charts are not the only place for cover versions.