IT'S been a busy few weeks recently with filming for ITV and a big corporate function in Bradford.

The calendar is now out and we will be glad of a break over the Christmas period.

The filming for ITV was for a review of the year and I understand that this will go out on December 27.

Saturday night was great with some funny points in the night. "Playing" to nearly 400 people at a Christmas party with Posh, Becks and Alex Ferguson, we were having photographs taken with the guests when one lady pushed up to Becks and said to Fergie and myself "Oh, I'm sorry were you waiting?" So much for the lookalike business!

Later in the evening as we walked into the main room and sat down, a paper card fell onto a candle and caught fire whilst everyone was pre-occupied with the raffle.

Fergie and me acted as firemen just as it set fire to the table cloth, the rest of the room oblivious to our tactics.....Batman and Robin have got nothing on fFergie and Sven.

Well, that seems about it for this year as we now prepare for the Euro 2004.

I would wish you all a happy Christams, thank you for your interest and support.