With regards to the letter by Mr D James - he made some very valid points in his argument.

However, was it not the UN resolution to find weapons of mass destruction and actually NOT bomb the living daylights out of the country?

I believe that Saddam Hussain was a complete rat-bag, but so is Robert Mugabe, so why isn't President Bush working on a regime change in Zimbabwe too?

Throughout the world, there is and always have been tyrants. What are we to do? Police the planet?

Have we the right to impose regime change on other countries?

What if some Middle Eastern state deems the UK as evil or corrupt? Would we allow a military coup and a complete change of lifestyle? No! So why expect other countries to do otherwise?

In Bush's inauguration speech, not once did he mention the words "Iraq or war". What's the betting that he's now got his sights on Iran?

Miss S Holstead

Hulton Lane
