ALL the arguments about the Reebok are getting out of control! Lest we forget that transport is a modern day thing and we all will sooner or later need to use it.

As for the complaints about the parking problem around the stadium and on match days, some people forget how Horwich was a "nothing" place in the last couple of years leading up to the arrival of Reebok and Middlebrook.

I worked at both taxi firms for 14 years in Horwich and I know first hand the work that the Middlebrook creates, so come on you moaners of Horwich get more car parks built and go with the future. What is two hours every fortnight while the match is on?

"f the parking is stopped you will all be moaning because no one comes to the area.

Horwich would have gone under years ago but for this complex.

J Woodruff

Ainsworth Street
