MY name is Katy McHugh and I am 14 years old. I go to Mount St Joseph's Secondary School and I am writing to tell you a good idea I have had for Bolton.

I heard about Fred Dibnah's death and how Bolton is wanting something to remember him by. That's when I had my idea of a memorial.

I was thinking, in front of the Town Hall steps we could have a strip of stars incorporated into paving stones that remember people from Bolton who are famous or who have died like the stars in Los Angeles of all the famous people.

I don't just mean Fred Dibnah; others like, for example, Samuel Crompton and Peter Kay.

Bolton will be known all over and go down in history.

The stars could be made from a material which, if covered with graffiti, could easily be wiped off.

I think, and I am sure others will too, that it's a good way to respect people from our town, as it will help raise Bolton's profile.

Thank you for your time. Hope you like this idea.

Katy McHugh
