WITH the passing of Fred Dibnah, who has brought so much pleasure to many TV viewers for many years, I would like to see Bolton remember Fred in the only way that seems appropriate - his home, yard and workshops left in the state they were when he last used them would be a fitting tribute to this man and his ideals.

We talk of "Heritage Sites" and immediately think of stately homes, Victorian industrial buildings and many other types of site which need preservation.

Perhaps this newspaper, in conjunction with Bolton Council, could work towards creating a permanent memorial to Fred in a way that would continue to bring pleasure to the many people he enthralled over the years?

With so much lottery funding being used to support the arts, and many other projects that are supposedly being created for "the people", this is one project that I firmly believe should receive financial support and help preserve a bit of Bolton's heritage.

The younger generation who never knew of Fred and people like him should not be allowed to miss what he and his generation (and those before him) meant to their community and this country as a whole. I am sure that when Fred's family have agreed on how his estate will be managed, they will want to ensure that he will be remembered as he was, and not how some might want to depict him.

To quote him as I remember him, "Did ya like that?" Yes, Fred, I did.

Roger Callow
