I SEE from the UKIP website that they are keen to declare support for hunting our wildlife with packs of dogs.

While our Government has the wisdom to convert animal hunting to a humane alternative, the Conservatives -- according to their recent conference -- have vowed to make time to repeal such legislation.

No surprise here, your readers may think, until one delves into the background of bloodsports.

Aside from all the cruelty, mayhem and havoc inherent in hunting, to support the pastime merely because apologists claim it to be part of our "tradition" is truly naive. There is more to our true traditions than hunting scenes in pubs.

For all the polarity in the hunting debate, both sides appear to agree that if Harold had won the battle of Hastings, the pastime of tormenting wildlife with packs of hounds would never have arrived here.

These games are a Norman-French import, Euro-bloodsports if you like. It is surprising to see Eurosceptics rushing to support them.

Hunters are notoriously shy and keen to hide their cruelty, but why hide their heritage? Why not wear the tricolour on their red coats? We have much to gain from our relationship with our continental neighbours, but this cruelty is one import we could do without.

Let's look beyond this odious pastime left here by a conqueror and value our true heritage -- a cornerstone of which is surely revulsion for such bullying.

M J Huskisson

Animal Welfare Information Service, PO Box 8

